Hello!! This is my first webpage (>_<)
Yippie Welcome to my Website!, Some of my intrests that will be involved in this webpage will be Art, Music for example: Bebadoobe, Laufey, Odetari, Asteria, Ayesha Erotica, CAS, Alex G and more !! Also, I love watching Twitch and some of my favorite streamers are : Billzo, Maxggs, Averageharry, Jonnaay, Tubbo, Freddy Badlinu, Jackmanifold, Coy Piso, Quackity, Krowfang, and also many more !!Yes, I love music very vry very very very much!! I listen to music everyday whether im at school, home, or just out anywhere! So, I will invite you to see some of myn playlists to see more of the music I like, and that will be included on here! Neocities.
Yes, I love all kinda of different generes of music from sad and quiet music to Electronic musis and to Rap music sometimes and sometimes just stuff like Radiohead or Gorillaz or Sniper2004, also I loveeeee Odetari.
Me when any of my music comes on :
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